Friday, July 29, 2011

Fashion Project: fixing a beaded bag

Being a DIY girl (or sort of Ms. Fix It), I attempted to fix the broken beaded bag which I bought from Memory Lane instead of sending it to a bag repair shop. With the right tool, it turned out to be ok.

To fix the handle, I use a pair of needle-nose pliers as shown above.

Next, for the missing bead bits, some may prefer to leave them as it is. But for me, I would like to fill the empty spots. For this, try to find the closest colour of beads to the bag. Do bear mind that the bag is vintage and most probably one is unable to the exact beads. In this case, I use the closest colour of beads to the bag.

Stitch the beads onto the bag.

As for tearing bit in the bag. I just stitched two parts together with normal stitches. Do bear in mind that this bit is inside the bag thus no matter how the stitching looks like, nobody else would be able to see it. As long as it is fixed, this is what matters most.

Here is the fixed bag. Handle and missing beads have been fixed. And I have saved some money for getting it fixed in a bag repair shop.

And the other whilst checking out bags on etsy, I found a similar bag to mine in black.

The other day whilst checking out bags on etsy, I found a similar bag to mine in black. It costs over RM100 whilst I bought mine for RM5! Lucky me!

Weekend is around the corner. Have a great weekend and good luck in attempting to fix any bags!

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