Tuesday, November 30, 2010

RM50 challenge: How am I faring?

Up to this moment, I am pretty proud of myself. Why? I did not fully use up my thrifting budget last weekend. Remember that I would be going to two flea markets? At the first flea market / bazaar, I did not spend at all. Perhaps the items were not to my liking.

However, prior to that, I have ordered a vintage / retro dress from Bundle Sweet. Here is the dress:

I spent RM19 on dress inclusive of postage fee. And I have just received it earlier today. It fits almost perfectly but I need to take in some on the sleeve and the rest is fine. For this dress, I will not shorten it yet. Perhaps after few wear.

Kutu Market 3

On Sunday, I went to Kutu Market 3 with a friend of mine. I had in my mind what I would like to get. Lately I have been drawn to tapestry bag. Don't know why. Perhaps it was featured in Lucky, my source of inspiration. I purchased the bag from Sae at RM12 after haggling a bit.

In total, I have spent RM31 and now, I left with RM19 either to thrift or to save. Although the month of December is yet to start (but will soon) and to end, I still need to monitor my spending. I have been invited to join a thrifting outing with Ana and her friend. This would be interesting and yet another temptation to watch out.

Hope I could do some sewing this week especially for fashion project as I have one sewing / alteration challenge to tackle. Have a good week ahead everyone.

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