Sunday, June 7, 2009

How to strut through the recession in style

Temptations, temptations, and more temptations. Sale is almost everywhere. Being jobless and living on a shoestring budget trying to survive each day as it passes, how could I resist such good bargains - 50% and 70% discount?

It feels like a test - how do I manage my finances in this bad economy climate without a permanent job and yet I can strut through the recession in style? Would this be possible?

1. Prepare an inventory - know what I have in my wardrobe is important. Based on this, I know how to mix and match my clothes and at the same know what to add into my collection (when the things are going ok again).

2. Clothes swapping with sister or friends - one of the cheapest way to update wardrobe (in a way) is by exchanging clothes or borrowing accessories etc. Do remember to set some policies or rules to ensure both parties interests are taken care of.

3. DIY fashion related projects - this requires creativity. Give a fresh new look of an old tank top by adding some beads, sequins or appliques. Alter a long skirt to become a short skirt. Check out DIY projects in magazines or on the Internet.

4. Spend wisely - at the moment, I need to plan and budget for retail therapy sessions. I would not hesitate to invest in small purchases such as necklaces and belts (and perhaps shoes at great deal) which are uniquely designed or special piece. Accessories make a difference. It dresses up clothes.

5. Alternative shopping e.g. flea market - since I have no problem purchasing pre-loved items, flea market or bazaar is a good place to find good bargain.

I wonder whether I will pass this test or not. Can I stand firm on my ground and not to give in to temptations? This will be a challenge for a budget fashionista like myself.

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